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A Survey of Various Authorization & Deduplications in Cloud

International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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As the rapid data expansion of data most current years, cloud computing has turn out to be one of the furthermost accepted area in IT industry with considers to cost, proficient use of computing possessions for example storage space and system bandwidth in the cloud computing communications. Data deduplication refers to a method that reduces the unnecessary data on the storage and transmitting on the network, and is think about to be one of the most-enabling storage technologies that presents well-organized resource exploitation in the cloud computing. On the additional hand, be appropriating data deduplication acquires protection vulnerabilities in the cloud storage method so that untrusted entities including a cloud server or unauthorized users may break data confidentiality, privacy and integrity on the outsourced data. It is difficult to resolve the difficulty of data defense and confidentiality regarding data de-duplication, but positively essential for presenting amature and established cloud storage service.


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Cloud Storage, Data deduplication, Cloud Computing

  • Format Volume 4, Issue 1, No 1, 2016
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2016
  • Year of Publication 2016
  • Author Shweta Biswas, Prof. Amit Saxena, Dr. Manish Manoria
  • Reference IJCS-109
  • Page No 630-635

Copyright 2024 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.