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DDoS: Inspect the Different Trace back Techniques

International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) is the significant hardest threats in internet security. These attacks are typically explicit attempts to disrupt legitimate user access services. So it is a necessary obsession to protect the resource and trace from the DDoS attack. But it was very tricky to discriminate normal traffic due to its identities and origins hiding. Developing a broad resistance mechanism against identified and anticipated DDoS flooding attacks is a desired goal of the intrusion detection and prevention. This paper discussed some of the mostly used predicting trace back techniques to solve the issues raised by DDoS attacks. In this paper it also asses the different trace back techniques which are provide effective, efficient detection of such attacks.


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Network Security, DDoS attacks, Trace back methods, Botnets, Flooding attack.

  • Format Volume 4, Issue 2, No 1, 2016.
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2016
  • Year of Publication 2016
  • Author M.Padmavathy, Dr.M.Ramakrishnan
  • Reference IJCS-116
  • Page No 672-678

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