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Library Book Procurement Proposal System Design Using Profile Matching

International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Procurement of books in the library is an important thing to support learning activities. The availability of up-to-date and suitable book collections will greatly assist students in exploring their chosen field of science. The challenge in procuring books in university libraries is that the useful life of books is varied and can change suddenly if there is a curriculum change, the number of copies is small but very varied, the purchase of books that are not necessarily sustainable from a publisher, the selection of suppliers, book prices, and availability books, especially for imported books, as well as a lack of planning for purchasing books every fiscal year. This challenge often causes the department to prefer recommendations from lecturers who handle each subject rather than searching and tracing the quality and profile of books and publishers. The development of the proposed Purchase Proposal System for this book uses the TAM (Technology Acceptance Model).


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Procurement, library tender, Profile Matching, Decision Support System, technology acceptance model

  • Format Volume 9, Issue 1, No 1, 2021
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2021
  • Year of Publication 2021
  • Author Ariyani Wardhana, Wawan Kurniawan
  • Reference IJCS-377
  • Page No 2575-2579

Copyright 2024 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.