Sri Vasavi College, Erode Self-Finance Wing, 3rd February 2017. National Conference on Computer and Communication, NCCC’17. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Collaborative tagging is one of the most diffused and popular services available online services. The important purpose of collaborative tagging is to loosely classify resources based on end-user’s feedback. Tagging allows end user to loosely classify either offline or online resources based on their feedback, expressed in the form of tags. In this paper focus on the privacy-preserving collaborative tagging service, by showing different and specific privacy-enhancing technology with namely tag suppression model. Tag suppression model can be used to protect end-user privacy. In addition, it analyzes the different multi language filtering model approach can used to effectiveness of a policy-based collaborative tagging system that supports enhanced web access functionalities, like content filtering and discovery, based on preferences specified by end users. The proposed enhanced policy based collaborative tagging makes the privacy enhancing technology with tag suppression methodology. The users tag resources on the web helpful their personal preferences. In order to prevent privacy attackers from profiling users based on their interests, to abstain from tagging definite resources. Tag suppression protects user’s privacy to a certain level at the cost of semantic loss acquired by suppressing tags
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Web Services, Collaborative tag, tag suppression, policy management, multi language model filtering.