Sri Vasavi College, Erode Self-Finance Wing, 3rd February 2017. National Conference on Computer and Communication, NCCC’17. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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In today?s computer world security, integrity, confidentiality of the organization?s data is the most significant problem. Cryptography is an important technique for securing information. Many problems can be solved using genetic algorithms through modeling a simplified version of genetic processes. The Genetic Algorithms (GAs) are exploration algorithms based on the theory of natural selection with an inventive finesse of nature. The central idea of research on GAs has been robustness. The technique has been implemented and analyzed. Cryptography proposed efficient solution to save from harm sensitive information in a large number of applications including personal data security, internet security, diplomatic and military communications security, etc. through the processes of encryption/decryption.
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Genetic Algorithm, Mutation, Encryption, Decryption, Cryptography.