Hybrid Optimization Feature Selection for Predicting Student Performance
Sri Vasavi College, Erode Self-Finance Wing, 3rd February 2017. National Conference on Computer and Communication, NCCC’17. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Education plays a vital role in deciding the society and it undergoes many changes. As a result, the education related digital data is been increasing rapidly. This made data mining approaches to spot over educational data ended in Educational data mining (EDM). The regulation focuses on investigating educational data to build models for enhancing learning experiences and improving institutional effectiveness. In this paper, the data mining techniques is used for predicting the student performance in different educational levels. Irrelevant features, along with redundant features, rigorously influence the accuracy of the classification of student performance. Therefore, feature selection should be able to detect and eliminate both irrelevant and redundant features as hard as possible. A hybrid technique of Artificial fish swarm-Cuckoo search optimization is introduced for feature or attributes selection. After feature selecting process, two effective classification techniques i.e., Prism and J48 is used for predicting the student performance. Experimentation result is shown that the feature selection method is well effective.
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Educational Data Mining (EDM), Feature Selection, Symmetric Uncertainty (SU) and Classification Artificial fish swarm, Cuckoo search optimization.