Sri Vasavi College, Erode Self-Finance Wing, 3rd February 2017. National Conference on Computer and Communication, NCCC’17. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Robust and Attack Tolerance Secure Secret Distribution system has been designed to be one of the components in a Secured Networked Environment. This system stores and retrieves secrets by authorized clients. A relatively new approach to building security services that is both fault-tolerant and attack-tolerant. This approach includes the asynchronous model of computation using cryptography to improving confidentiality and integrity. This system is a distributed service for storage and dissemination of secrets. It was designed to be one of the components in a secure publish/subscribe communications infrastructure, providing the support for storing secret keys used to encrypt published information objects and ensuring that only authorized subscribers retrieve those secret keys. In this system client request the server to perform the operations (create, read, and write). The server responds to client to generate a pair of keys (public and public). The public key is transferred to client and it holds the private key. The client generates message and secret key. The message is encrypted by secret key and the secret key is encrypted by public key. Along with message digest transferred to the interface the interface after receiving the encrypted information it generate message digest and compare with the clients message digest for checking the integrity. Finally it stored as encrypt / decrypt information in the server.
Client/Server Interface Protocol, Message Digest algorithm, RSA algorithm