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Online Social Networking Services Impact on Big Data

IT Skills Show & International Conference on Advancements in Computing Resources, (SSICACR-2017) 15 and 16 February 2017, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Online Social Networking Services(OSNs) , such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace, are used on a regular basis by many millions of people. Social media has very popular among young adults over the last decade. Social media is defined as web-based and mobile-based Internet applications that allow the creation, access and exchange of user-generated content. This research is focused to find the use of social media in education. Social media provides an opportunity for students to expand their learning environment, which in turn helps to strengthen the creative learning process. A growing body of research has examined the usage of social media and effects of using social media on the social capital communication and interpersonal relationships and self-concept among college students. Social media, Internet-based tools that promote collaboration and information sharing can be used in academic settings to promote student engagement and facilitate better student learning. However, relatively few studies have focused on the educational role of social media for learning. Even smaller quantity studies have examined students’ use of social media and the effects of social media usage on their learning. This study aims to describe the usage of social media as an educational tool among students. It also aims to look at predictors for students’ perceived helpfulness and the use of social media in education.


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Education, Social services, Social media.

  • Format Volume 5, Issue 1, No 17, 2017
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2017
  • Year of Publication 2017
  • Author S.Thiraviya Regina Rajam, Dr. S.Britto Ramesh Kumar
  • Reference IJCS-239
  • Page No 1502-1506

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