IT Skills Show & International Conference on Advancements in Computing Resources, (SSICACR-2017) 15 and 16 February 2017, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Cloud Computing is very flexible in nature that helps to quickly access the resources efficiently from the third party service provider to expand the business with low capitalization cost. A cloud storage system stores large number of data in its storage server. Since the data is stored for a long term over the internet it does not provide the data confidentiality and make the hackers to steal the data provided in the storage system and even when data forwarded to cloud environment, it lacks data integrity and makes the cloud user unsatisfied. In this paper, we study about different encryption technique to protect the cloud storage environment. This paper concisely covers some of the existing cryptographic approaches that can be used to improve the security in cloud environment.
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Cloud computing, security threat, multitenant behaveour, standards, cryptographic tecniques, Cloud storage system, Encryption technique and policies.