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IT Skills Show & International Conference on Advancements in Computing Resources, (SSICACR-2017) 15 and 16 February 2017, Alagappa University, Karaikudi, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Social network is one of the platforms for making relationship each other. The members, communities, friends, posted information are the properties of Social networking system; the greater amount of communities gives the strength in the network and digs more information. Generally, the members tide with at least one community and the community members may be or may not be having the relationship with other communities. . The members join with at least one group or one community and they share the expression, knowledge and information to others. But users should be aware of threats that can be faced due to lack of proper privacy settings. In the existing paper a novel method for collaborative sharing of data in OSNs is discussed as well as a method to resolve privacy conflicts that can occur while multiple persons share a data. Evaluation results show that privacy risk and data sharing loss are minimized in this approach. Various websites offer services such as uploading, hosting, and managing for photo-sharing (publicly or privately). These functions are provided by websites and applications that facilitate the upload and display of images. The main theme of this proposed approach is to develop a social communication medium which allows sharing the images to their friends. The web system is aimed to provide image security with various ways which can’t be misused. The web system provides auto server watermarking, image editing blocker and download blocker tools. Any person can get free registration and share the images with the security tools to any person. This proposed research approach can overcome the entire issues in present systems.


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  • Format Volume 5, Issue 1, No 22, 2017
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2017
  • Year of Publication 2017
  • Author K. Nithya Kalyani, Dr. C. Balakrishnan.
  • Reference IJCS-265
  • Page No 1691-1700

Copyright 2025 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.