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Continuous SPO2 and Heart Rate Monitoring of the Patients Towards IOT Connected Healthcare Applications

International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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The Internet of Things (IoT) is inter communication of embedded devices using networking technologies. The IoT will be one of the important trends in future, can affect the networking, business and communication. This system monitor vital parameters such as body temperature, spo2 level, heart rate level of the patient and this information is transferred to their guardians. The other advantage is the programmability of alarm conditions can alleviate any inaccuracy through a normal sensor. The sensing data will be continuously collected in a database and will be used to inform patient to any unseen problems to undergo possible diagnosis. Experimental results prove the proposed system is user friendly, reliable, economical.


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IOT, SPO2, Health care

  • Format Volume 7, Issue 1, No 1, 2019
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2019
  • Year of Publication 2019
  • Author A.Abirami, Dr.R.Umamaheshwari
  • Reference IJCS-348
  • Page No 2334-2344

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