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Panoramic image stitching using cross correlation and phase correlation methods

1st International E-Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Information Technology on 23rd to 25th September, 2020 Department of Computer Science, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Image stitching / mosaicking is the process of aligning multiple images together to form a single high resolution image known as panoramic image. Stitching multiple images of same scene captured from different positions to form a high resolution single image is a challenging task. Images taken by a single snap will permit only a limited view whereas panoramic image allows a wide angle view. In order to create a panoramic image, the simple method is to stitch two or more images of a scene into single composite image. Mainly there are two approaches for image stitching such as “direct approach and feature based approach”. In this paper, we discuss two basic simple approaches of direct method for image stitching. First method is correlation based and second one is phase correlation. The proposed cross correlation method can stitch multiple images having horizontal displacement or vertical displacement with each other. But it cannot handle images having both horizontal and vertical displacement simultaneously. In order to solve this problem, we proposed phase correlation based image stitching that can be used for measuring the motion parameter i.e. both horizontal displacement and vertical displacement present in images. Hence, we can stitch multiple images having both horizontal and vertical displacement simultaneously. In cross correlation based method, three images of same scene with different orientations were put together to form a high resolution panoramic view. But a pair of images were used to stitch together to form a panoramic image using phase correlation based method. The proposed cross correlation method is not completely translation invariant, whereas the phase correlation based stitching is invariant to translation. But the main disadvantages of both methods are that they are not invariant to image scale and rotation.


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Panoramic image, image stitching, cross – correlation, template matching, phase correlation, registration, blending.

  • Format Volume 8, Issue 2, No 03, 2020
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2020
  • Year of Publication 2020
  • Author Megha V, Rajkumar K K
  • Reference IJCS-369
  • Page No 2500-2516

Copyright 2025 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.