Role of Unsupervised, Supervised and Regression Algorithm for Medical Image Segmentation: A Study
1st International E-Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Information Technology on 23rd to 25th September, 2020 Department of Computer Science, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Different strategies are accessible in image processing for the division for pictures and are comprehensively grouped into three classes. i.e: Unsupervised, Supervised and Regression Algorithm. Before we start any research work especially medical image segmentation, we have must have to be aware with which we need to start research work for Segmentation procedure. As the target and picture information base, we need to be very specific on choosing one of the above strategies. All these strategies dependent on reviews we will consider the affirms which technique is substantial for which research work. In this paper we will get a clear vison of the major categories of segmentation procedure suitable for the research.
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Segmentation, Unsupervised, Supervised and Regression Algorithm.