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International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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Employee engagement refers to a situation where all the employees are engaged in their own work and take keen interest in the activities of an Organisation. Employee retention refers to the various policies and practices which let the employees stick to an organization for a longer period of time. The year 2020 –202, can never be forgotten in history of Mankind. Even If we are talking from a Nation point ofview – We can say A year of downfall in economy, but even from an organization point of view - a year of layoffs, attrition & drop in employee turnover. But In spite of all this – a ray of hope in any organization are all those employees who are still dedicated to the organization in spite of the turmoils in their personal & professional Life during this Pandemic. This talks about the dedication and the involvement that an employee has towards his work and how importantly it can lead to retaining an employee even in adverse situations. Employees can be termed as the Lifeline of any organization for they contribute effectively for its success or failure. The smooth functioning of an organization depends on passion of employees,their seriousness, devotion, and commitment towards their work and their retention in an organisation. The emotional connection of an employee towards the organization tends to influence his or her behaviors and the level of effort in work related activities. The more engagement an employee has with his or her company, the more effort they put forth and thus more chances of retaining with the same company. This paper focuses on the relation between employee engagement and employee retention in an organization, and how it is easy toretainan employee who is engaged and dedicated to his work.



Employee Engagement, Employee Retention, Performance, Job Satisfaction.

  • Format Volume 10, Issue 2, No 6, 2022
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2022
  • Year of Publication 2022
  • Author Dr.P.MOHANRAJ
  • Reference IJCS-Special Issue
  • Page No 3035

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