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English has a significant influence on education, particularly in agricultural nations like India. It is possible to see evidence of English education at some level. Writing is a process of disclosure and calls for enough time for thought. It promotes a flexible, modern grammar structure that incorporates phonetic elements like connectives, emphasis, space, and spelling. Writing to communicate is a complex skill that goes beyond simply copying letters and words or, in any case, putting together necessary sentences. It assumes that students will create writing pieces by effectively and fundamentally using objective language, employing sophisticated mental techniques, dissecting data, and producing engaging work. Further along this line, the open event is frequently embodied by collaboration with a large group of people who are noticeably absent. English has long been taught as a middle subject throughout the entire educational journey, but it is now frequently observed that students are falling behind in developing careful helpful skills, particularly writing. Writing concise sections and articles is one of the most difficult things for students to learn in school, but it is also one of the most important skills. If students don't make an effort to learn how to write right away, they will experience difficulties mastering the skill later in life. Hence, the current study has been done with a view to overview the enhancement of writing skills among college students.


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Writing Skill Enhancement, Teaching-Learning, Mixed Approaches, Innovativeness, Digital Mode of Education and Multi-dimensional Approaches.

  • Format Volume 9, Issue 1, No 1, 2021
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2021
  • Year of Publication 2021
  • Author Dr.R.Menaka
  • Reference IJCS-SI-009
  • Page No 2597-2605

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