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International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC).

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During the previous 10 years, the significance of connecting with undergrad students in research exercises acquired reestablished consideration internationally. Undergrad students not exclusively ought to secure information about the results of past exploration done by others; they ought to likewise figure out how to start and do investigate themselves. Expected benefits of undergrad research exercises are that students figure out how specialists in the field work, think, and communicate and that students create their basic, logical, and imaginative reasoning abilities as well as their critical abilities to think. There appears to deprecate conflict on the significance of these likely merits. Bridge courses give a satisfactory establishment in the center applied science subject. Subsequently students face no hardships when college programs start. This course offers a better development stage for students than get themselves up prior to beginning the first semester. They would focus on undergrad studies to beat hindrances between subjects educated at the pre-college level. Moreover, they will become familiar with a portion of the subjects in college beforehand. The bridge course fills in as a support for the new way. Prior to starting the fundamental year course, it will outfit students with data. Moreover, it will likewise give conviction through interactive and dynamic learning. Each Division is responsible for running its framework by making its prospectus. The bridge course is simply a beginning stage, not an objective. Establishments should follow up the bridge course consistently. Hence, this current study has been focused to give an outline on the effect of bridge courses on students at tertiary level.


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Bridging Gap, Potential Creation, Professionalism, Non-Scholastic Educational Program, Standard Identification, Guidance and College Adoption.

  • Format Volume 10, Issue 1, No 7, 2022
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2022
  • Year of Publication 2022
  • Author Dr.R.Menaka
  • Reference IJCS-SI-010
  • Page No 2828-2836

Copyright 2025 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.