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International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)

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One of the most crucial aspects of cloud computing in recent years has been regarded as load balancing. There are a lot more requests coming in quickly due to an increase in users worldwide. Global researchers have created a wide range of algorithms to process client requests at dispersed cloud servers. Accordingly, the cloud computing paradigm will automate server configuration for effective load balancing. Therefore, the load balancing method must be used to arrange the virtual machine selection process effectively. The availability of the virtual machine serves as the basis for the load balancing technique suggested in this work. Specifically, each virtual machine (VM) has its Availability Index (AI) value assessed over a predetermined duration; the AI value determines which work is assigned to that machine. Round Robin, Throttled, and Active Monitoring are three well-known load balancing algorithms that are compared with the suggested model in order to confirm its validity. With Cloud Analyst, the effectiveness of every algorithm was assessed. Comparing the suggested technique to alternative algorithms, simulation results demonstrate that it is more effective at load balancing between virtual machines.


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Cloud Computing, Modified Throttled, Virtual Machine, Throttled Algorithm, Round-Robin Algorithm, Active Monitoring.

  • Format Volume 12, Issue 1, No 1, 2024
  • Copyright All Rights Reserved ©2024
  • Year of Publication 2024
  • Reference IJCS-490
  • Page No 3357-3369

Copyright 2025 SK Research Group of Companies. All Rights Reserved.