International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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Medium-sized businesses have grown significantly over the last several years, and thousands of such businesses exist worldwide. Software engineering is a new field of study developed to meet this type of instigation. It varies in many ways, such as the requirement for agiling the different process models, elaborating the approaches and techniques to be framed for modelling, developing techniques for one or more navigational approaches, various architectures framework, continuous application processes, and various testing methodologies. It has been noted that one of the main issues facing these businesses is software process improvement. A systematic review (SR) was aimed at identifying and discussing the paradigms and tactics that medium-based organization. Identifying the research issues to be examined, finding pertinent literature, extracting data from chosen studies, and synthesize data were all crucial stages of our SR. create responses; and hold a formal debate to pinpoint research gaps and trends. A great illustration of SPI efforts in software instigation is the Semi's Capability Maturity Model. However, medium-sized software companies are creating new SPI challenges. There are concerns regarding the viability of using SPI techniques such as CMM because of the difficulties associated with these kinds of instigation. Knowledge management, specifically the management of people and information in sanitation, is referred to in the knowledge-driven model (KDM). It is broadly divided into two categories: explicit and tacit forms of knowledge, which can be expressed in the form of documents, reports, database information, and individual thoughts. The study examines the difficulties medium-sized businesses confront and offers two literary approaches to address the issue of SPI in medium-sized Organizations.
1. Orc i, Utter, Lard, Arid, “Dynamic CMM for Small Organizations”, Retrieved from:
2. Paulk, Mark C., "Using the Software CMM in Small Organizations" (1998). Institute for Software Research. Paper 5 ht://repository.emu.ecu/ish/5
3. Horatio, Romano Evade, Roman, Ivan and Gyros, Josef, “Managing the Complexity of SPI in Small Companies”
4. Rita Hidden, “How Saleable are CMM Key Practices?” Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Vol. 11, No. 4, April 1998, pp. 18-20, 23.
5. Donna L. Johnson and Judith G. Broodmare, “Applying the CMM to Small Organizations and Small Projects,” Proceedings of the 1998 Software Engineering Process Group Conference, Chicago, IL, 9-12 March 1998.
6. John J. Abbott, “Software Process Improvement in a Small Commercial Software Company,” , Proceedings of the 1997 Software Engineering Process Group Conference, San Jose, CA, 17-20 March 1997.
7. J.G. Broodmare and D.L. Johnson, "What Small Businesses and Small Organizations Say About the CMM," Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Software Engineering, IEEE Computer Society Press, Sorrento, Italy, 16-21 May 1994, pp. 331-340.
8. Donna L. Johnson and Judith G. Broodmare, the LOGOS Tailored Version of the CMM for Small Businesses, Small Organizations, and Small Projects, Version 1.0, August 1996.
9. Donna L. Johnson and Judith G. Broodmare, "Tailoring the CMM for Small Businesses, Small Organizations, and Small Projects," Software Process Newsletter, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering, No. 8, Winter 1997, p. 1-6.
10. James Herbal, David Brow, Dennis Golden-son, Will Hayes, and Mark Paul, "Software Quality and the Capability Maturity Model,” Communications of the ACM, Vol. 40, No. 6, June 1997, pp. 30-40.
11. Patricia K. Wallis, Robert M. Flow, and James B. Chordal, "A Correlational Study of the CMM and Software Development Performance," Crosstalk: The Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Vol. 8, No. 9, September 1995, pp. 21-25. Reprinted in Software Process Newsletter, IEEE Computer Society Technical Council on Software Engineering, No. 7, Fall 1996, pp. 1-5.
12. Bradford K. Clark, "The Effects of Software Process Maturity on Software Development Effort," PhD Dissertation, Computer Science Department, University of Southern California, August 1997.
13. Y. Spandex, S. Uruguayan, A. Ginige, Hansen et al., Web Engineering, Journal of Web Engineering, 1(1), 2002.
Medium-Sized Businesses, Knowledge-Driven Models, Software Process Improvement, Capability Maturity Models, and Key Process areas.