Magic sum spectra of ladder graphs
International Conference on Algebra and Discrete Mathematics on January 8 to 10, 2018 Department of Mathematics, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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For a positive integer a graph is -magic if there exists a labeling such that the induced vertex sum defined by is a constant is called a magic sum index. For fix integer the magic sum spectrum of with respect to is the set of all magic sum indices and it is denoted by In this paper we obtained the integer magic spectra of certain classes of ladder graphs, möbius ladder graphs and some corono of ladder graphs. , k) ,(= EVG k Z {0} )( : ?? k Z G E f k Z G V f ?? ) ( : ) ( = ) ( ) ( uv f v f G E uv ?? ? r , kG k Z r ). (GI k
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k Z -magic, magic sum spectra, ladder graph, möbius ladder, corono graph.