Numerical solution of boundary value problems using Hermite wavelet-Galerkin method.
1st International E-Conference on Recent Developments in Science, Engineering and Information Technology on 23rd to 25th September, 2020 Department of Computer Science, DDE, Madurai Kamaraj University, Tamil Nadu, India. International Journal of Computer Science (IJCS) Published by SK Research Group of Companies (SKRGC)
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In this paper, we proposed Numerical solution of boundary value problems using Hermite Wavelet-Galerkin Method. Here, we used weight functions as a Hermite wavelets that are assumed basis elements which allow us to obtain the numerical solutions of boundary value problems. The numerical solutions obtained by this method are compared with the exact solution and existing methods. Some of the problems are given to demonstrate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed method.
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Hermite wavelets; Galerkin method; Numerical solution; Finite difference method